84th Engineer Battalion (Construction)
Association Viet Nam

The Men from HHC

Post 1 Christmas 70-71 J Wagner

More Pictures from Ron Nead
Pictures from Ed Garnica (Dirtman)

Camp Williams
Camp Williams


Camp Williams
Camp Williams


Photo from Samuel Corey 71


From Sp-4 Louis Morales 1970 in Qui Non HQ Company..!


Tom Osborne who was the Chaplins Assistant(showing the short timers sign), Danny Basques HHC company clerk (his second tour of nam), and a monsoon flood shot of a jeep coming in the main gate in what looks like about 2 and a half feet of water (Pictures submitted by J Wagner HHC)

"Smitty" from DC.  

SP/5 Frazier, QL 1 between ammo   dump & Cuo Mong Pass


Don Richeson(Frenchie) Ben Roder (Right)

SP/5 Alan Zastawny


Frank Howard


Ed Garnica (Dirtman)

John Bieda

James Licari, Radio operator HHC. 67-68


Left to Right: Roger Mc Carthy, Dennis Vanskyhawk, John Wagner,
Dean Loch


Dick Garst   Ed Mc Neil (KIA)



Richard McCorrison

Richard McCorrison



John Toms HHC. 66/67 S-4

Ron Sable (Left) Kieth Anderson (Right)

Top,Left to Right: WO.Brady,Frank Cangiano, Mike Callahan,Larry Herrington,Dennis Cuffley, Barry Thompson,
SGT Kirby.
Bottom Left to Right: Ron Harrell,Don Richeson, Doug Fremow,Stephen Thompson,
Randy Spence.(Died about 1990)




  Jesse Muir HHC. B. Co & D Co.


Dave Weant 1965
(Photo sent in by Kenneth Janonis)
Don Micheletti painted this sign and took the photo in 1965
(notice the unit crest) This is the old crest that was used untill 1967. See this Document (info from Paul Farley)


Left to right, Standing: All Lieutenants.
John Sasser, Well Drilling Platoon Leader - Bob Dulin, Platoon Leader - William L (Wally) Hatcher, Battalion S-2 -
Jim Butler, Platoon Leader C Company

Seated, Left to right.
Still all Lieutenants Oscar McNeil, Platoon Leader B Company - Al Cikra, Platoon Leader B Company -
Pete Moisture Commo Officer - Harry Jones, Platoon Leader B Company - (red shirt) Dick DeBolt - Assistant S-4

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